Apartment Vicuña Mackenna in Santiago, Chile, Reity
Property Type : Condo/Apartment
Condition : Sold Out
Price per Token : $ 102 (CLP 100,000)
Return Cash (exp) ? : 7.21%
Return IRR (exp) ? : 11.30%
Minimum Investment : 1 Token
Total Property Size : 23.1 sqm
Total Property Value ? : $ 93,228 (CLP 91,400,000)

SOLD OUT – This Real Estate Token is currently not available 


Participating in a green apartment, through the tokenization of the apartment pledge, allows investing in the early stage of construction and real estate development, which is where the greatest profitability is obtained.

Work on this project has progressed successfully according to plan. As of September 2024, the work has advanced 21%.

Vicuña Development

In addition, by advancing the total value of the apartment to the real estate company (and not just a “foot”), the company guarantees 2 unique conditions:

Guaranteed rent paid by the real estate company from day 1 of the tokenization (09/30/24) until the end of year 2. 📅
A monthly rent equivalent to UF 17.21 (CLP 667,953), more than double the estimated monthly rent of this apartment ($300,000). At the end of the 2-year guaranteed lease, the estimated perceived rent would be the market rent at CLP 300.000 (plus inflation!) 💰
Therefore, on a daily basis you will receive rent and, when a 20% capital gain is reached, the apartment will be sold (similar to the Rent Token model). To back up the property, the associated tokens are guaranteed with a green sale policy issued by AVLA which can be found in the “Documents” section.

Participar en un depto en verde, a través de la tokenización de la promesa del depto, permite invertir en la etapa temprana de construcción y desarrollo inmobiliario, que es donde mayor rentabilidad se obtiene.

Las obras en este proyecto han avanzado exitosamente según lo planificado. A septiembre de 2024, la obra ha avanzado un 21 %.

Desarrollo Vicuña

Además, por adelantarle el valor total del depto a la inmobiliaria (y no solo un “pie”), esta garantiza 2 condiciones únicas:

Renta garantizada pagada por la Inmobiliaria desde el día 1 de la tokenización (30/09/24) hasta el final del año 2. 📅
Una renta mensual equivalente a UF 17,21 ($667.953), más del doble que el arriendo mensual estimado de este depto ($300.000). Una vez terminado el arriendo garantizado por 2 años, el arriendo percibido estimado sería el de mercado a $300.000 (¡más la inflación!) 💰
Por lo tanto, diariamente recibirás renta y, cuando se alcance un 20% de plusvalía, se venderá el departamento (similar al modelo de Token de Renta). Para respaldar la propiedad, los tokens asociados están garantizados con una póliza de venta en verde emitida por AVLA que se encuentra en la sección “Documentos”.



Disclaimer: Information Sourced from External Platforms

The information provided on this page is sourced from the respective Real Estate Token platforms homepage. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, but we cannot guarantee its completeness or timeliness. This website contains data, images, and descriptions that are subject to copyright and intellectual property rights of third parties. We do not claim ownership of the information displayed and acknowledge the rightful ownership of the respective content by the original sources. If you are a rights holder and believe that your content has been used inappropriately, please contact us immediately for resolution. We are committed to addressing any concerns and ensuring compliance with copyright laws. Please note that the availability, prices, and details of properties may change, and it is advisable to verify the information independently before making any decisions based on the content provided on this platform.

Chart - Price per Token
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